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Tech Trends and Tips:

Monthly Must-Watches for Businesses

Dive into our monthly must-watch videos, where we spotlight the essential tech trends & tips crucial for businesses staying ahead in the digital landscape. This curated selection provides businesses with the latest advancements, practical advice, and innovative strategies to harness technology effectively. Stay informed and competitive with our must-watch guide to navigating the ever-evolving world of technology.

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July, 2024

It's time to say goodbye to Windows 10

Windows 10 reaches its end of life next year. That means no more updates, not only for new tools and features, but for the security improvements that keep your data safe. If you’re still using Windows 10 in your business, it’s time to start planning. You have four options. Our latest video explains each one and the things you’ll need to consider.

June, 2024

5 Steps to Help Recover from a Cyber Attack

Cyber attacks are more common than you think, and how you respond to one can be the difference between it being an inconvenience and a complete nightmare. What’s important is to think about all of this BEFORE you become a victim of an attack (sadly, it’s likely to be a case of when and not if). By following a few simple steps, you can be confident that you’ll not only recover from an attack quickly but also minimize the damage and cost. Learn about the 5 most important steps to take in our latest video.

May, 2024

Keeping Your Email Safe

Did you know? 90% of cyber attacks start with an email, and we all use email daily, including everyone on your team. That's a lot of risk each time you or an employee opens an email inbox. But don't worry, our latest video discusses smart ways to boost your email security and avoid becoming a cyber criminal's target.

April, 2024

Why A Contracted IT Partnership Is Better For Your Business

Your business couldn’t function without its technology, right? And from time to time, things go wrong. If these are the only times you speak to your IT support provider, it’s very likely you’re wasting a lot of time and money. Plus creating yourself a ton of stress.

March, 2024

Ever wondered what would happen if your business’s data was stolen?

Cybercriminals are targeting all businesses all the time with automated tools… it only takes one small gap in your security for them to get in and copy your data.

February, 2024

Cyber Attacks and Your Data

Data loss can occur due to lots of reasons, including hardware failure, cyber-attacks, natural disasters… or just a person making a mistake. It is important to regularly back up your data – and verify the backups have worked properly. Not doing this regularly can lead to data loss, downtime, and potential business disasters.

January, 2024

Fighting a never-ending battle with business tech?

Ever feel like you're fighting a never-ending battle when it comes to your business tech? You're not alone. Many business owners try to handle their own IT. But here's the thing, ”Do it yourself” IT strategies often lead to more stress and less productivity. That's where outsourced IT comes into play. If you’re ready to explore outsourced IT for your business, get in touch.

December, 2023

The Complex Cybersecurity Landscape

With 2024 just around the corner, it is essential to keep up with updated security. New threats to security and all technology changes that have been happening; artificial intelligence, new phishing emails, and increases in ransomware just to name a few, are certainly cause for concern with your company's network. Contact us and stay up to date on your security in 2024.

November, 2023

Working From Home and Security

Elevate your employee's remote working security! Keep your company data safe even when not in the office. In this video discover essential tips and best practices to fortify your digital fortress. Safeguard your data, protect your privacy, and ensure a seamless and secure work-from-home experience.

October, 2023

Outpace Your Competition with AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence) may be the answer to surpassing your competition and staying ahead of the game. So what tools can you, and should you, be using? Find out!

Artificial Intelligence
September, 2023

Microsoft 365 Productivity Tools

In this month's update, we discuss the productivity tools you and your employees might want to utilize. These tools can increase productivity and keep everyone in the loop on projects, tasks, meetings, and more.

August, 2023

Welcome To The Metaverse

There are several compelling reasons why businesses should embrace the Metaverse now, including better customer engagement, new marketing opportunities, and an expanded reach.

July, 2023

Reduce Your Cybersecurity Risk

Human error is the leading cause of cybersecurity risk. Here are 3 tips for ensuring your business is up to date to reduce the risk.

June, 2023

The Importance of Backups

Learn how implementing robust backup strategies ensures that critical business data remains intact and operations can be quickly restored, safeguarding your company's future.

May, 2023

Are You Ready For Your Next IT Project?

There is a lot to think about when planning for your business's next IT project. Here are 3 things to plan for and evaluate before you decide on any upgrades or changes.

April, 2023

Importance of MFA

Avoid scammers and phishing attempts by ALWAYS using MFA for your business accounts. This provides two barriers between an outsider and your information!

March, 2023

Tech Jargon

Does your IT support sound like a Peanuts special? Wah wah wah...In this video you will find terms in the three most important areas of your IT support to clarify some of the language we use.

February, 2023

Protect Against Cyber Attacks

Email is the most vulnerable part of your IT set up! 91% of cyber attacks start with an email. Here are 3 things you can do to protect your business from cyber attacks.

January, 2023

Cloud Services & Data Security

Cloud services are a great option for your business's data. Here are some things you should look into to be sure your data is secure in the cloud. Need some customized options? Get in touch!

December, 2022

Top Tech Trends for 2023

Grow your business's productivity, profit, and staff engagement with these incredible emerging technologies. Decrease repetitive tasks, increase mobile connectivity, and dive into cloud computing. If you want to be ready for the future of your business, get in touch!

November, 2022

Boost your business's Wifi Speeds

Get more work done in your business with faster Wifi. Here are 5 quick ways to boost your WiFi speeds. Contact the Tech Doctor to see if we can assist with getting you back up to speed.

October, 2022

Password Managers

Do you know the three most important things you should look for in a password manager for your business? The Tech Doctor offers password management so you can have peace of mind that your business and your information is secure from any threats.

September, 2022

September 2022 Tech Update

Hackers don't just target big businesses! 41% of small businesses have fallen victim to a hacker through their cloud server. Smaller businesses make for easier targets to these hackers, so make sure your data is safe on your server and contact The Tech Doctor for your free evaluation of your security.

August, 2022

Working From Home: Cybersecurity Risks

Have you ever looked at the downside to working from home? Providing proper network and device security wherever your employees work is a priority for the overall security of your company. Are you protected and providing proper tools to your employees? Let us audit your setup to see if we can save you money while keeping you and your employees protected!

July, 2022

How to stop Microsoft Teams from opening on Startup

Microsoft Teams has a tendency to pop up when you are trying to concentrate on other things. Here is how to control when Teams opens up on your device, so you can remain free from distraction and interruption while at work.

June, 2022

Windows 11 Privacy Auditing

Windows 11 is testing a new privacy setting called "Privacy Auditing." This is much like your iPhone or Android settings where you can select what apps have access to your information.
